Bantam BREED ID.


10 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Fossil, OR
Please read the post before just posting whatever you feel like. I do not need guesses on gender. I know that already. What I can't figure out is what BREED. Bantam from Ideal Poultry; pea comb. My only guess at this point is cornish bantam, with the short, fat stature. But the color doesn't match. I don't even know what color this is supposed to be.

Thank you, if you actually read the post before commenting. I apologize for being short/blunt. I'm tired of all the irrelevant posts that are not related to my question in any way.

I checked their site and it lists white laced red?

Sorry, I'm getting them mixed up. I think she's supposed to be red laced white, not white laced red. Her feathers have red "lacing" on the white, not white lacing on red base. But it's not really laced like it should be if that's what she is.

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