Bantam chick at TSC


10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
South Eastern NH
So TSC got in some Bantam chicks last night. Of course their all straight runs. There were some that kind of best described looked almost like a chipmunk. Any ideas on what they might be? They had all white chicks and grey ones as well. Wish I knew what kind they were,.
Ok so I stopped at Agway and they had chicks too and they had ones that were americauna's and they looked exactly like the little bantam ones at TSC only smaller as they were bantams. So I guess thats what they were.
If they don't have green legs, then they are Old English Game Bantams, or maybe Dutch, but OEGBs are more common. They come in many color varieites and the chipmunk chcks are hard to tell apart - you can look at the drawings on Ideal poultry's site for a better idea.

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