Bantam chick sexing


Jun 23, 2020
I ordered 3 chicks from Meyer Hatchery that were hatching on June 8th...a spangled Hamburg, an appenzeller spitz-something or other, and a speckled Sussex. I was SUPER excited for these guys, and they were all sexed too. USPS made an oopsie and they were shipped to a town 3 hours East of me, went right past me. Being 2 days late and the weather was super hot that week, all but one of the chicks didn’t make it. I was heartbroken. So the next order I made, I decided to drive my butt to Ohio and pick them up myself. 8 hours later and the little cheepers were comfy, hydrated and fed in their brooder. This batch is 5 bantams...which they only offer as straight run. Everything I’ve been seeing is pretty much saying that bantams are hard to sex early on. These little ones are going on 2 weeks old.
I know with my luck, I’ll end up with 1 pullet and 4 cockerels. Maybe even all 5. I’ll still keep them, as long as they place nicely with each other in a bachelor coop and they aren’t ***holes to the two leggeds that care for them. But I’m really hoping i didn’t make that long drive just for roosters 😂 is there any way to sex them this young? Or is it just a waiting game? There’s two mottled Cochins, a silkie, a Millie fleur d’uccle, and a frizzled Cochin. Thanks in advance!

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