Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

Has any noticed that Bantams are way easier to keep than standard Chicken breeds..?
I definitely see a difference in behaviour and they just mingle around doing their own thing daily..:wee
In every way but one. That being that they get out of way smaller spots. My coops and runs are built from scrap, and are just there to do the job, so they barely hold in LF, but you r right, they are way easier.
Yup! :) I think it's good I'm taking a break around now. The world seemed to be out to get our chickens for a while. Like, everything bad that could possibly happen to our chickens happened. Flystrike, internal laying, cocci epidemics, hawk attacks, coon attacks, bear attacks(not one, not two, but five stinking times!!!)... Yeah, I think some time to recover is going to be good. :/
In every way but one. That being that they get out of way smaller spots. My coops and runs are built from scrap, and are just there to do the job, so they barely hold in LF, but you r right, they are way easier.
Yes definitely...My husband though has my Coop and Run like Fort Knox...:eek:
Yup! :) I think it's good I'm taking a break around now. The world seemed to be out to get our chickens for a while. Like, everything bad that could possibly happen to our chickens happened. Flystrike, internal laying, cocci epidemics, hawk attacks, coon attacks, bear attacks(not one, not two, but five stinking times!!!)... Yeah, I think some time to recover is going to be good. :/
Wow...That's is terrible...:hmm
I have 3 Bantam hens.
Charlotte a Gamefowl
Jane a Frizzle Bantam
And Angelina a Japanese mix bantam

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