Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

I have 4 bantams. Three are silkie and one is a bantam cochin

Elsa and Blueberry

Ruby showgirl silkie

And Emmett my bantam cochin
I really like my bantams. Just like my standard size chickens, they each have unique personalities. My bantams are super friendly and they are a lot of fun to have around.
I understand. I definitely had Horrible issues with standard Chickens so got rid of them. Bantams have been so fantastic...:wee
We are not big egg eaters so the eggs they produce keep me in eggs and my oldest Son..:wee
These two are bantam polish... I can't get better pics of them because they're insane and like wild chickens. They weren't handled by the owner before I got them so I just let them do their own thing

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Definitely when young they are absolutely freaked out !!! :wee

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