Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

The emojis are so funny. I don't know how you all do that!

Some of the emoticons are available on site and you should be able to see them by clicking on this icon above the post box:

byc smilies button.png

Some of them that I've used here are ones I've saved onto my computer to add when the BYC default ones just aren't the right expression for the situation. :p You can find a bunch on this thread:

As for your other questions, I'll leave those for others who have a better idea of what to do in that situation. I don't keep my cockerels with my pullets once they've started to mature, so I don't have much experience with that. My only recommendation there is to have a cage or two ready to separate them if those boys start to be too much for each other or the pullets, just in case.

Also, I would say based on your profile pic that you have Splashes, yes. :) That's totally normal when breeding together two Blues; about 1/4 of the resulting offspring are Splash.
@DelaneyMGB25, do you have any pictures of this lovely Lemon Blue boy? :love

Never was a name more fitting....I'm giggling like crazy. :lol: They generally exhibit enough attitude to match!
It sounds as though your remaining OEGBs are stunning! High quality, too. :drool

Oh my, please tell me I have nothing to do with this! :lol: On second thought....ignore that first sentence. :p Creles are an absolute must, as they throw gorgeous, endless variety in colors. :love Not to mention that the roosters are STUNNING beyond words. Beast and Sleepy Scott are my babies. :) I'm dying to hatch Crele X Red Pyles from of these two.....:oops:

Awww, I'd love to see pictures of them sometime. :D

Never be ashamed!!!! Before you are chicken lovers ready to ooh and ahh over the next generation of lovely, fluffy babies! :wee:love

Oh my goodness, that adventurous Ihi! :eek: (I read through your entire thread a year or so back, therefore, I likely recognize most "characters" in the story ;)) She obviously intended to give her poor caretaker a heart attack! I'm sure you put a stop to that in a heartbeat. :lol: As for Altair and Vega, OEGBs tend to use their diminutive stature to their advantage. :rolleyes: It's almost impossible to stay upset with them, and they know it. ;) Just look at those precious, innocent little white faces. :love

Thank you! :love Why, yes, she is. :) The little brat decided to disappear again, but this time, with Beautiful by her side. Thankfully, Sweetheart found and brought them both back before dark, like a diligent gentleman should. :lol: He's on my side. :p

@DelaneyMGB25, do you have any pictures of this lovely Lemon Blue boy? :love

Never was a name more fitting....I'm giggling like crazy. :lol: They generally exhibit enough attitude to match!
It sounds as though your remaining OEGBs are stunning! High quality, too. :drool

Oh my, please tell me I have nothing to do with this! :lol: On second thought....ignore that first sentence. :p Creles are an absolute must, as they throw gorgeous, endless variety in colors. :love Not to mention that the roosters are STUNNING beyond words. Beast and Sleepy Scott are my babies. :) I'm dying to hatch Crele X Red Pyles from of these two.....:oops:
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Awww, I'd love to see pictures of them sometime. :D

Never be ashamed!!!! Before you are chicken lovers ready to ooh and ahh over the next generation of lovely, fluffy babies! :wee:love

Oh my goodness, that adventurous Ihi! :eek: (I read through your entire thread a year or so back, therefore, I likely recognize most "characters" in the story ;)) She obviously intended to give her poor caretaker a heart attack! I'm sure you put a stop to that in a heartbeat. :lol: As for Altair and Vega, OEGBs tend to use their diminutive stature to their advantage. :rolleyes: It's almost impossible to stay upset with them, and they know it. ;) Just look at those precious, innocent little white faces. :love

Thank you! :love Why, yes, she is. :) The little brat decided to disappear again, but this time, with Beautiful by her side. Thankfully, Sweetheart found and brought them both back before dark, like a diligent gentleman should. :lol: He's on my side. :p

They're pretty. I love the Crele color, & working on crele Orpington's using wheaten. I wish I had bantams of the crele color, but I don't.
Are these boys just suddenly going to start mating with the girls non-stop? I'd rather they didn't of course! But I'm very attached and don't want to rehome them. At 4 months old, should they be showing more signs of interest in mating? Can I have reasonable expectations of peace?!
At 4 months of age, they're still quite young, and may or may not have reached maturity. :) Most likely, this isn't the extent of their interest in pullets (wouldn't it be nice if I'm wrong, though? :fl). I'd monitor them closely in another month or two, just to ensure the girls aren't in distress. Some chasing is normal (and will hopefully subside after time), but I, personally, don't put up with feather loss, drawn blood, or pursuit of pullets to the point of misery. Best of luck with your boys! :D

Yes! She is a talker... ah heck, I think they all are! I LOVE THEIR NOISES!! The D'Uccle cockerels have VERY LOUD crows!! My Sebright cockerels (whom I rehomed) also were very loud. My 3 MF D'Uccles are the sweetest cuddliest little girls and very chatty. But honestly, so are the Blue Rosecombs and the two Dutch varieties I have. They all have unique noises! Even my Sebright girls want to be cuddly, they are just a little nervous. They sit on me and want to be near me. Also, two of my three Cochin Bantams have gotten very very cuddly. I'm hoping with time they will all be cuddlers. My cockerels are all really sweet but my D'Uccle boys are very nervous birds. I guess one of them is braver, but it does surprise me since the girls are so lovey. I have a tiny Dutch cockerel who is very tame and cuddly. He tried to die the first three weeks of his life, so I think all the extra attention really paid off.
Not surprised at all to hear this! :love Aren't their sounds precious and piercing? :)

You've liked d'Uccle cockerels thus far? :wee Sadly, I didn't, but this was my own doing. :hmm We live and learn. I'll probably give them another, fair chance in the near future. :D

Goodness, it sounds as though every breed has their individual personality! And how nice you've encouraged them all to enjoy human interaction. :D It's a breath of fresh air to associate with people who love their cockerels every bit as much as pullets. :)
They're pretty. I love the Crele color, & working on crele Orpington's using wheaten. I wish I had bantams of the crele color, but I don't.
Thank you so much! :)
You're creating Creles of your own? How fascinating! :pop Actually, I believe I've been keeping track of your thread showing project progress....:)

At 4 months of age, they're still quite young, and may or may not have reached maturity. :) Most likely, this isn't the extent of their interest in pullets (wouldn't it be nice if I'm wrong, though? :fl). I'd monitor them closely in another month or two, just to ensure the girls aren't in distress. Some chasing is normal (and will hopefully subside after time), but I, personally, don't put up with feather loss, drawn blood, or pursuit of pullets to the point of misery. Best of luck with your boys! :D

Not surprised at all to hear this! :love Aren't their sounds precious and piercing? :)

You've liked d'Uccle cockerels thus far? :wee Sadly, I didn't, but this was my own doing. :hmm We live and learn. I'll probably give them another, fair chance in the near future. :D

Goodness, it sounds as though every breed has their individual personality! And how nice you've encouraged them all to enjoy human interaction. :D It's a breath of fresh air to associate with people who love their cockerels every bit as much as pullets. :)

Thank you so much! :)
You're creating Creles of your own? How fascinating! :pop Actually, I believe I've been keeping track of your thread showing project progress....:)

They're not bantams, but would you like to see my 7 1/2 month old Cockerel, & 9 week old pullet? The pullet will be 10 weeks old tomorrow.
Certain people enjoy criticising me, & it's rude. Been trying to avoid it, the nice is they haven't came back to make me feel dumb.
They're not bantams, but would you like to see my 7 1/2 month old Cockerel, & 9 week old pullet? The pullet will be 10 weeks old tomorrow.
Certain people enjoy criticising me, & it's rude. Been trying to avoid it, the nice is they haven't came back to make me feel dumb.
Hopefully nobody will get upset :oops:, but I'd love to see them. :)

I'm sorry....that's something most of us face at some point. :hmm You won't receive any criticism from me.

They're not bantams, but would you like to see my 7 1/2 month old Cockerel, & 9 week old pullet? The pullet will be 10 weeks old tomorrow.
Certain people enjoy criticising me, & it's rude. Been trying to avoid it, the nice is they haven't came back to make me feel dumb.
:hugs Sorry. There are good kind people on BYC. Sometimes you gotta tip toe through the cow patties to get to the field of flowers.

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