Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

okay, so I wiped them with a warmly wet paper towel. Was that bad? I'm still unsure about best practices with that! I understand there's a bloom that protects the eggs. I also understand you want to use warm water if you do clean them. Is it best to just leave them as-is? I'm just thinking of the future when I give them to other people!!
Some of my bantams yesterday! :D Mostly OEGBs because they're so small and I'm head over heels for them. :love One of my large fowl Black Copper Marans hens even posed nicely next to Vega, one of the OEGB pullets, so I could show just how tiny they are :p

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I think your Maran is actually just a GIANT! So pretty!!!! I love the OEGBs too because I think they are the fancy cousins to my hatchery "dutch!"

Vega really stole the show yesterday... She's just so cute! :love She was being extra cuddly. :D

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This is my favorite cuddling!!!! And add in me giving them like a million kisses. Whoops!

Achernar, meanwhile, hit me with with the over-the-shoulder pose :lol: Isn't he handsome?

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Achernar is a stud!!

And lastly, a couple pics of my 'ugly' Silkies. :oops: This is Winter (the rooster) and Marka:

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Only in a world where ugly is synonymous with perfection...

This one just made me laugh. The wind caught one of Winter's sickles and it was waving around like crazy:

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That's probably something he's been practicing and he's glad you finally noticed!

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