Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

Exactly. It's ALWAYS the favorites who either get killed, or die of illness. :( Never fails!
Quite honestly, I'm having the time of my life! :barnie

But, on a brighter note, I've taken up caged birds.....a somewhat less stressful hobby. :lol::love

Hopefully that's a better hobby...:fl...:hugs
I got Goats..:gig
Well, it's certainly a pricey hobby. :lau I'll be broke here before long!

Goats are awesome. :love What kind do you have? :)

I have two kids. A Fainting goat Doe and a Fainting/Nigerian dwarf fixed buck. So darn adorable and fun too! Leash trained so we go on walks around daily.. Fancy and Ozzy..:hugs
Looks like I have a TON to catch up on! I've only been able to peek at the site here and there while standing in lines, etc.! How sad! Hope everyone is doing great :)

Actually, it's rather tiny...

My 22 weeks and 3 days old babies laid their first eggs today!!!!
My hunch is that they are both Blue Rosecomb eggs, as two of my three Rosecombs have been sporting VERY red combs lately!!

One of the girls--Ruth--looked exhausted this afternoon, too! She was hanging out mostly by the ramp to the coop and her little eyes would betray her and shut. I think she must have worked so hard!!!

I think the other one who worked extra hard today was my top snuggler, Dora! She is always cuddly and wanting hugs, but maybe also because of getting ready for the work!

I know it won't be news for any of you... but I was so excited, I thought I'd share. My cat Malcolm was also VERY proud! I had to give lots of extra treats and tell the entire flock how proud I was. One of the eggs was actually in the nest box, too! Way to go! Hole in one!

I didn't think we would see eggs until Spring. Here are the eggs--one in the nest box and one in a corner of the coop. (Also in the nest box is a large fake brown egg!)

:ya Yay!! Congrats! You're probably swimming in bantam eggs by now, huh? :p

I think your Maran is actually just a GIANT! So pretty!!!! I love the OEGBs too because I think they are the fancy cousins to my hatchery "dutch!"

Haha, she definitely looks it next to Vega, huh? :gig Love those tiny OEGBs. :love

Only in a world where ugly is synonymous with perfection...

Aw, I'm sure they're flattered. :lol: I'm never sure if my Silkies are 'pretty' enough to share. I've had them bashed pretty hard before, so anymore I usually say in posts about them that they're 'ugly'. It's not that I think they actually are (my personal preference is their type; I like to actually see their faces :D ), but more a pretext.

Here are two of my regular cuddlers... gotta get more photos of this!

:love :love Cuties!

I almost stole this Serama from a show I went to last month. Prettiest one I've ever seen!

Granted, I know zero about Seramas!

Handsome guy! :love One of my favorite things about Seramas is their variety of colors, just like with Easter-eggers. They can be so colorful! :love

I've never really posted on this thread but I've got some new bearded Bantam silkies coming to join my current breeding Silkie flock on the 22nd!

They're from beautiful bloodlines, I can't wait :celebrate




:frow Lovely birds! Hoping they arrive safely!
Not a normal like, but a real like. A special compliment from Chickens. Thank you. :lau:wee:celebrate:ya

Haha, I love this, too! :D

Thank you! The nestboxes are clean and what it looked like to me--I am new at this!--it looked perhaps like just a bit of smeared blood. Like perhaps a first egg caused some trauma coming out? It wasn't poop on the egg and it wasn't dirt. Just a bit of blood is my best guess!

Yup, this happens sometimes with first-time layers, nothing to worry about as long as it's not excessive. :)

Here's my new rooster, HeiHei. He's a sebright and I love him!


Haha, cute little guy! :love Love my little Sebrights! My last one is a Silver hen, just like him but with a smaller comb. :D

His crow makes me laugh. He's been really great and Squatch likes him so far. I have the biggest breed (jersey giant) and one of the smallest breeds in my flock now. Both are roosters.

They're something else with those tiny crows, huh? :love My OEGBs have the funniest little two-syllable crows, too. It's so funny to hear the big boys crowing with their little squeaks in between! :gig

Hello, everyone! :frow It's been a while, huh? Hope all your sweet little bantams are doing well. :love

I took a break from BYC due to sad situations.....I've lost many members of my flock recently (combination of old age and predation). :hitIt's been settled that we won't be getting any more birds until time and money allow for an enclosed, secure run.


:hugs So, so very sorry to hear this. :( I totally understand having to get out of something for the sake of sanity. I've had to make that choice a time or two with some of my birds over the years. Sometimes it's just best to get away from these sorts of things, even if only temporarily. Lots of luck fixing up a place where your remaining and future birds can be safe! :hugs

But, on a brighter note, I've taken up caged birds.....a somewhat less stressful hobby. :lol::love


Ooh, any pictures? :pop They're small birds so they count as bantams, right? :lol:

Okay, I think I've caught up now...
forehead wipe whew.gif
:ya Yay!! Congrats! You're probably swimming in bantam eggs by now, huh? :p

If six peewee eggs in ten days is swimming...then I sure am!!! It's exciting each time I find one. I originally thought there were two girls laying since I found two eggs on a Saturday afternoon. But then I realized it is actually just one little girl laying. She must have laid a morning and afternoon egg that first day?!!! She was so exhausted that afternoon sitting by the ramp up to the coop with her eyes closed. Just waiting and hoping for it to be bedtime!! She laid the two that first day and then skipped a day for her third egg. By the third egg, all have been clean--no blood. Also, since the first day, all the eggs have been afternoon eggs. After laying the third egg, she took four days off! But now she has laid three eggs in three days. I'm very impressed. I think today's egg was slightly bigger but I don't have a scale. I might measure around it. It seems to have more "girth!" I poached two of the eggs one morning and they were delicious! Extremely hard shells! Very exciting stuff!! I congratulate the entire flock whenever there's an egg! Ha! But I tell them... NO PRESSURE!!! I still love you without eggs! I'm pretty scared of having an egg bound hen and not being around to help. Has that happened with any of you?

Aw, I'm sure they're flattered. :lol: I'm never sure if my Silkies are 'pretty' enough to share. I've had them bashed pretty hard before, so anymore I usually say in posts about them that they're 'ugly'. It's not that I think they actually are (my personal preference is their type; I like to actually see their faces :D ), but more a pretext.
Anyone who bashes chickens isn't worth your time!! Silkies are pretty much rockstars... and a lot of people can't take the heat. I'm basically too boring of a person to have Silkies... So, much respect to you and yours!!!

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