Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

Okay I'm procrastinating per usual this morning. Chickens are so worth hanging out with, though! I got a new trough feeder yesterday along with a higher percentage protein feed. So, I had an "excuse" to hang out and watch. Here's some silly bantam antics... Nicky the Dutch cockerel and Rosie the Cochin were doing all their best supermodel moves for the camera...and Dora--the tiny Rosecomb was having conversation #15 (at least) with me for today. She LOVES cuddling and being held. I so appreciate having a few like that. Catherine and Joanie are playing tetherball with the greens.
Happy 2020!
Yup, sounds like what I call beard envy. :lol: For whatever reason, some birds just get a taste for beard feathers and will pluck an entire beard if given a chance. You can attempt to remedy this by boosting protein in their food and giving them other things to occupy themselves with like hanging treats or flock blocks, but my birds free-range daily and have a huge yard when they aren't ranging with tons to do in it, and yet still some of my LF Easter-eggers end up clean-shaven every year. :idunno
I just saw on another thread...someone mentioned this product Pick No More:
Have you ever used something like that? It says it has Tea tree oil as one of the ingredients. I have used diluted tea tree oil on many different types of animals with great results. It has a strong smell--but I don't think chickens have well-developed "noses?" I am a little skeptical as to how this product would PREVENT feather pecking. I could see that it would really help heal as it's a natural anti-bacterial.
Your birds are REALLY cute. Sweet faces! I hope you're not near any of the fires.

We are further north from most of the fires so we are safe for now, we are near a wildlife reserve so lots of bushland we need to keep an eye on. I do have family and friends who evacuated and some who have suffered damage/loss of property from the fires south of us, thankfully all animals are OK.
Scary times for sure
Holy Yikes! Not to make you angry but I've only had one frozen water day so far!...But you should know that we have had a very warm Fall and Winter so far!
I won't be angry..I'm used to our winters here. It definitely is a challenge having Ducks though. Temps are to drop next week to possibly-30C for overnight lows..:barnie
My Birds all have heat lamps though..:thumbsup
Okay I'm procrastinating per usual this morning. Chickens are so worth hanging out with, though! I got a new trough feeder yesterday along with a higher percentage protein feed. So, I had an "excuse" to hang out and watch. Here's some silly bantam antics... Nicky the Dutch cockerel and Rosie the Cochin were doing all their best supermodel moves for the camera...and Dora--the tiny Rosecomb was having conversation #15 (at least) with me for today. She LOVES cuddling and being held. I so appreciate having a few like that. Catherine and Joanie are playing tetherball with the greens.View attachment 1994185 View attachment 1994186 View attachment 1994187 View attachment 1994188 View attachment 1994189 View attachment 1994190 View attachment 1994191 Happy 2020!
What beautiful birds...:love
What is that big fluffy chicken? It's so awesome! :thumbsup
What beautiful birds...:love
What is that big fluffy chicken? It's so awesome! :thumbsup
Hey thanks!! They’re a good crew! The big balls of fluff with pantaloons or bloomers (as Pipdzipd calls them)... those are Golden-laced Cochin Bantams. The really golden one is Rosie (missing head feathers) and the other two are Merry and Pippin. Pippin is the least “gold,” and the cuddliest, although they are suddenly getting cuddly! They are my hobbits! My last two boys, Nicky and Morse, are going to live on a farm today! I called the people who took my other boys two months ago and they are happy to take these. How nice there are people who love the boys just for being beautiful!! I’m excited to visit my old boys too. They have a 20 acre farm!!

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