Bantam Chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 3, 2014
Hello everyone here at Backyard Chickens! I am currently incubating bantam chicken eggs (6 of them) and I'm on day 12. It looks like about 3 of them are going to hatch and I had a few questions. Do bantams generally hatch early? Some people say they do so I was curious. When should I stop turning them? What should the humidity be for lockdown?? Thanks!

Go into lockdown and stop turning on day 17 this is when my first bantam hatch started to wiggle which gave me a bit of a shock as i didnt expect after reading more about it i found this is normal for them. As for humidity im afraid i dont know as i have an rcom which takes care of everything its self digitally but the setting were the same for my bantams and big eggs so i presume its exactly the same for both. Good luck! :)
Thank you so much! So, if they are supposed to hatch in 9 days, I should go into lockdown in 5?
One more question. Bantams are known for hatching early, and ameraucanas are known for hatching late. I have two bantam ameraucana chicken eggs that look like they are going to hatch as of now. Do you think they will hatch early, on time, or late? Thanks!
IMO, each egg is different. I had a bantam chick that hatched the night of day 21. It makes sense to think that an ameraucana/bantam would hatch right on time though! I am hoping for a few ameracauna/bantam crosses myself! Mine are due to hatch on the 24th.
IMO, each egg is different. I had a bantam chick that hatched the night of day 21. It makes sense to think that an ameraucana/bantam would hatch right on time though! I am hoping for a few ameracauna/bantam crosses myself! Mine are due to hatch on the 24th.

Wow! Mine are due to hatch on the 25th! We may both have some spring babies!

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