Bantam Chickens

Wow! Mine are due to hatch on the 25th! We may both have some spring babies!
How do you suggest I set up the brooder for my chicks?? I have a heat source, food, bedding, water, and a plush animal. Someone recommended that last one because it is like a soft mother.
What else should I add?
How do you suggest I set up the brooder for my chicks?? I have a heat source, food, bedding, water, and a plush animal. Someone recommended that last one because it is like a soft mother.
What else should I add?
You're nicer than I am! I didn't think to add a soft mother. But then I got 4 ducklings a few days after my last hatch hatched.. They loved them! How is your water dish? You want to make sure it's not too deep that the chick can't get out. If it's very deep, I would suggest putting rocks or marbles in it so that they can get a drink but not drown.
In lockdown and noticed the humidity was a little low. I accidentally bumped one of the eggs
when trying to increase the humidity but I think that it'll be fine.
Two of the eggs have already hatched! (1.5 days early) right now is the start of the 20th day (3:30) and when I came home today one was already up, in the water bowl, and the other was about to hatch. Once the other one hatched, I looked in and made sure there were no other pips and then I quickly took it out the water! They are doing fine now and we are hoping for one more! Thank you all for your continued support throughout this process, it has really helped. Well, alls well that ends well and I will be posting pictures soon! Bye!

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