Bantam Chicks-Male or Female? Help Please!


7 Years
Mar 27, 2017
Hello! On March 25th we bought 2 chicks from Atwood's. They were in separate bins with different hatch dates. Both labeled as "assorted bantams". We named them Stormy & Teeny. I suspect Stormy (the white-ish one) is female, but as for Teeny (yellow with black markings) we have no clue. We were hoping to keep our little flock of 9 all females. I know nothing about how to properly raise a rooster. I have 2 toddler girls who love their chickies, but I'm afraid of having a mean rooster & we have no desire for hatching our chicks. If we do have a rooster we plan to make do, because their part of the family now. Thoughts on their genders? Thanks for the help!
I think you are going to have to wait a little while to know what they are for sure. You can't wing sex bantams and they look to old for that anyway.
Too young to tell but fear not on roosters. Some bantam breeds can be devil of roosters while other breeds are total sweethearts. My sebright rooster was a lap dog with one leg named Peg and I have 3 silkie roosters who are total lovers although the one who has claimed the hen can be a bit distant but in the end having a rooster who avoids people is better than a mean rooster. My other two boys are so use to being house chickens they climb right into your lap and one jumps onto my shoulder because that is his choice perch xD

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