Bantam Chocolate Buff Orpingtons

Nanny Nay Nay

5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
I'm new at this, so here we go…I've incubated Bantam Chocolate Buff Orpingtons & they've hatched out. I've got 19 of these little babies & I'm looking to sell them as "straight run". They are 2-4 days old. You can contact me thru my email address, [email protected]. Thank you :)

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the hatch! I have never seen Chocolate Buff Orps before! For more exposure on this, you might want to place an ad in our Buy Sell and Trade section here on BYC. You will need 20 posts to place an ad, so you can welcome in some new members in this section to get your post count up.

Good luck with this sale and welcome to our flock!
This is a new members introduction thread, most people posting would not be from your area, and sometimes not even from this country. You would do better putting your chicks up on craig's list, or mentioning them on your state thread.

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