Bantam Cochin Breeders

I have mille fleur bantam cochins, originating from wwmicasa1, F3 generation this year. I'm pleased and excited about the progress we are making with the mini-milles!

My website is under construction, but would be happy to link in with you.

Best wishes from the Colorado mountains!
Mille Fleur Cochins.... sounds exciting! Let me know as soon as your web site is up and running so I can add a link to your web site.
Hi! MO is not so far away from Colo. My husband grew up in St Louis. We've put together a project breeding flock for mille fleur cochins. The roo is MFC but the hens include MFC, blue & black mottled and buff columbian. They originate from Lynne at Wingshadow, Jean Riddle in OR, Danny in GA and Maggie Alvear. Greatly enjoyed meeting Rosemary recently, a fellow Coloradoan working on MFC cochins too. My focus now is working on improving tp a short back and more rounded tails as the colors are all here that I like.
Most info is on BYC MY page, no website currently.
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I too have some bantam cochins that I have bred and then keep the best of the brood.I would not say I am a breeder but I do think a couple of mine are very nice looking.I started with tuffoldhen I think that is her call name Gayle from springport mi.Her eggs were my orginal stock I then keep the best out of the hatches,I have had some nice roos and hens w/frizzles.
Great to meet you and your husband, Shylee/"sackman"! I loved your place in the foothills and it was so much fun to see your animal menagerie!

I can't wait to see what progress will be made with the mini-milles this year, eh?! I think we are closing in on it...

BTW, all you cochie folks, I'm looking around for a nice, SQ bantam buff pullet.
Can anybody point me in a good direction?
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one of the 2 that I recently let my broody hatch turns out to be a very cute buff frizzle.She is soo cute and danty,her little brother is a very nice little multi colored roo looks kinda like a calical cat in coloring.He has like this base color that is dark and then buff and orange feathers bleeding into it from his head,neck back and tail.

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