Bantam hen with fractured leg?


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Sprinkle our banty Silver Spangled Sussex had a very bad case of leg mites earlier this fall. We didn't notice them at first. She also had a piece of thin twine wrapped tightly around her leg in between the scales; she must have picked it up from scratching in the dirt somewhere. We got rid of the mites and the twine and her legs seemed to heal up. She was limping slightly. Well she still is limping 5 weeks later and we still have her in a small pen where she can't move around much. Have tried baby aspirin and also antibiotics on the theory that she might have some kind of underlying infection; with no result. Also soaked in Epsom salts and warm water. She is very lame actually; more so than before. Today I was comparing her legs again and in feeling down her sore leg I found a place where she winced and yelped when I gently squeezed it. There is very little to no swelling there and the leg is not warm; but I thought I could see bruising under her light-colored skin on her leg. I think she may have a leg fracture from the bone weakening caused by the mites? Should I try to wrap or splint it and if so how can we tell whether or not the wrap is too tight and restricting her circulation? And how do we keep her from pecking at the bandage or splint to try and get it off? Or will she?

Does anyone have any other ideas about what this might be and how to treat it? I wondered about a bone infection too but thought the antibiotic would help with that.
what kind of antibiotics and for how long?

It sounds like she may have a fracture, but if you don't feel one, it is possible it is a hairline fracture. She may have gotten it from jumping off of something. You may need x-rays if you can get them to make sure that is indeed what is wrong. How old is the bird, and where do you suspect the fracture is located?

How well is she using the leg? At five weeks, a fracture may be beyond wrapping or splinting. You may just have to let her heal until she is not in pain anymore...she may always limp, or she may not. More information would help us help you.
She was on Ciprofloxacin 250 mg 1/8 tab per day for about five days; then we took her off it for about a week. She has been on the Cipro again only at double the dose and 1/2 baby aspirin twice a day for about four days now. I would like to xray it; idk; may contact the vet re the cost. She is 5 years old. We waited so long b/c at first I thought she might have just lingering pain from the mites; lameness seems to have gotten progressively worse instead of better though.
The pain is right around what would be her spur or whatever you call it on a her ankle area I guess you could say; about 3/4 inch above her foot.
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