Bantam identification?



7 Years
Apr 28, 2017
East Coast, NJ
Had an extra bag of starter feed I didn't need... planned on freezing it for future chicks or to maybe make treat blocks out of. Went to pick up layer feed for my older girls at a local feed store and it appears there's an outbreak of chicken math in that locale. Somehow, these 6 babies came home with me. It all happened so fast, I couldn't protect myself 😁 Now I'm wondering what I got! 5 have feathered bantam brahma? Cochin? And the little red/whitish one...any chance she's a sebright? Adore sebrights but she doesn't look like one. Would love to have an inkling of what my little fluffer-butters are!


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#1 and #2 are dark brahma bantams. #3, #4, and #6 are cochins. #5 looks like a mix, possibly a sebright mix.
I was thinking 5 might be cochins...was leaning toward 1 & 2 being silver penciled cochins but I am hoping for a couple brahma in the mix so I hope you're right! I can't find any that look like the little red bird but absolutely love her. I'd be happy with a mix! Especially if contributing breed makes her a better layer than a sebright!
1, 2 Dark Brahmas, 3, 4, 6 Black Cochins, and 5 maybe Red Old English Game or Bantam Rhode Island Red. Check to confirm the combs, Brahmas should have pea and others single
I was planning on getting a couple standard dark Brahmas next Spring so when I saw them, I grabbed them as I thought they might be the bantam version but combs look like single combs to me. Which is why I was leaning towards cochins. But you're the 2nd person to say dark brahma so you're giving me hope! Wouldnt mind an OEG in the mix either. I've never been a big fan of RIRs but we did name the little red chick Cherry so maybe that would be fitting... Any chance 3 & 4 might be Birchen Cochin? They're too dark to be mottled..but they have white feathers on feet. I suppose that could just be hatchery quality coming through? Pretty sure #6 is black cochin as you suggested.
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I was planning on getting a couple standard dark Brahmas next Spring so when I saw them, I grabbed them as I thought they might be the bantam version but combs look like single combs to me. Which is why I was leaning towards cochins. But you're the 2nd person to say dark brahma so you're giving me hope! Wouldnt mind an OEG in the mix either. I've never been a big fan of RIRs but we did name the little red chick Cherry so maybe that would be fitting... Any chance 3 & 4 might be Birchen Cochin...they have white feathers on feet. Pretty sure #6 is black cochin as you suggested.
I would think that Dark Brahmas would be the more common of the two, so that's why people are leaning that way, but if they have a single comb, you're right! Sometimes the juvenile feathering of black chicks will have white mixed in, usually wing feathers. They could definitely be birchen! Not sure that would make the white if the feet make sense though. Usually mottled chicks show more white on the down, but perhaps they could go that way. Sometimes chicks vary in ways you might not expect. I have a black brahma that was banded as such by the breeder, but it's down looked just like a light brahma! Sure enough, his feathers are coming in pure black! Chick down is interesting
Dark Brahma
Dark Brahma
Black Cochin
Black Cochin
Rhode Island Red
Black Cochin
So RIRs can have black/dark marks on emerging feathers? She's lighter than I'd expect. A little bummed...was hoping for a variety which is why I grabbed the ones I did. No more room on lot for more chicken math haha At least the RIR should lay well enough...not so sure about the chochins. And all black...arggghhhh.. Oh well. They're cute and sweet ❤
So RIRs can have black/dark marks on emerging feathers? She's lighter than I'd expect. A little bummed...was hoping for a variety which is why I grabbed the ones I did. No more room on lot for more chicken math haha At least the RIR should lay well enough...not so sure about the chochins. And all black...arggghhhh.. Oh well. They're cute and sweet ❤

Black on the feathers is common with RIRs. They typically molt it out.
I would think that Dark Brahmas would be the more common of the two, so that's why people are leaning that way, but if they have a single comb, you're right! Sometimes the juvenile feathering of black chicks will have white mixed in, usually wing feathers. They could definitely be birchen! Not sure that would make the white if the feet make sense though. Usually mottled chicks show more white on the down, but perhaps they could go that way. Sometimes chicks vary in ways you might not expect. I have a black brahma that was banded as such by the breeder, but it's down looked just like a light brahma! Sure enough, his feathers are coming in pure black! Chick down is interesting
Took some more pics of the chipmunks. I've never had a pea combed chick at this age but this looks like single combs to SP Cochin?


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