Bantam/LF flock.

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The Happster

Apr 5, 2020
Cloud Nine
I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this...

I have a few too many usual.
I have just found the only females online that I can get. Three of them.

The problem is...they're bantams.
I only have LF - Buff Orpington and Wyandotte cockerels.

Would it be okay for them to be together?
My question is are the bantams likely to be bullied by other females or, more importantly, crushed by the cockerels when they try and mate.
If anyone has had LF males with bantam females, I would like very much to hear how it went.
My flock is divided like this.

One mature rooster (Orpington) with three hens.

Second mature rooster (Orpington) with four hens.

Finally, two young cockerels with one pullet. It hurts to say it.

Now, they're just hitting that interesting age...and are pets. Getting rid of them is out of the question. At the same time I do not want any females to be hurt.
Bachelor pad won't really work, but I will consider it if I need to.

I'm looking around for females everywhere, but have only found these.

As of yet there has been no mating, but as soon as it starts I will remove the pullet to stop her getting hurt. The cockerels do not fight. One of the mature roosters often spends time with the younger group.

So if the bantams will work...that would be excellent.
I have a mixed lot flock. 1 lavender orpington hen, 1 lavender orpington cockerel, 1 black sex link all about 5 1/2 months. 3 cochin bantam hens and 1 cochin bantam cockerel, 2 bantam silkies (I think a hen and a cockerel) not quite 5 months. 3 buff orpington and 4 EE pullets, around 4 months. I have had more problems with the bantys attacking the younger pullets (learned from the LO hen when I introduced the BO & EE to the flock :barnie ) than them being picked on by anyone else. Not sure if it's just mine, but they remind me of the little dog that will stand up to the big dog and not take any crap.
I have a mixed lot flock. 1 lavender orpington hen, 1 lavender orpington cockerel, 1 black sex link all about 5 1/2 months. 3 cochin bantam hens and 1 cochin bantam cockerel, 2 bantam silkies (I think a hen and a cockerel) not quite 5 months. 3 buff orpington and 4 EE pullets, around 4 months. I have had more problems with the bantys attacking the younger pullets (learned from the LO hen when I introduced the BO & EE to the flock :barnie ) than them being picked on by anyone else. Not sure if it's just mine, but they remind me of the little dog that will stand up to the big dog and not take any crap.
Thanks, that really helps!
My Orpington pullet is very sweet, and a cuddle bug. She's definitely more likely to be bullied than to be a bully. The bantam I have in mind looks a bit younger than her, and quite small, so I'm hoping it will be okay. I had heard bantams were very feisty.:oops:

Really do not want to get rid of any of my boys. It breaks my heart to separate the boys from the girl. They're great friends. But I don't want her to get hurt.

Technically I could stick three boys in the bachelor pad. I would have to see how that goes.

Most of the older hens are complete bullies. They would beat up any of the younger ones. So mixing the ages wouldn't really work.
I know that feeling. My 2 boys are getting to that teenage testosterone age. Might have to start pulling one out at night since they all get cooped up together. They're not extremely bad (yet) and I'm not afraid of the hens getting hurt. Like I said, they are just being teenage boys and since one is quite a bit bigger than the other 🤼‍♂️.
Good luck with the new girls. So far 2 of my banty girls are my best egg producers. Although it takes 2 of their eggs to make a full sized one 🤷
Yea, I'm not at all worried about the eggs. I just don't want Lady Constance to be by herself. Actually I would find bantam eggs adorable.

I'm kind of counting my chickens before they're bought. I have my heart set on a certain bird... hopefully she isn't bought yet. Waiting for the seller to get back to me. I already have a name for her and everything. :oops: Why do I do this to myself?

Thanks again for your messages. It really does help.
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