Bantam or Large?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 25, 2011
Hi everyone.

So, I am purchasing a Golden - Laced Polish hen to show at my local poultry show.

On the registration sheet, I have to specify whether the hen is a Bantam or Large. The breeder told me that she is a "Standard" size.

I am confused as to what I should mark on the registration sheet because, Polishes are a small breed comparable to a bantam of a larger breed. But within the Polish breed, the hen is "Standard Size", and not a Polish "Bantam". ????

Which do I mark on the registration sheet?

There's a wide variety of sizes of both Bantam and large fowl breeds. Among large fowl breeds, polish are among the smaller. However, large fowl polish are considerably larger than Bantam polish

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