OK, my only roo left is a bantam, and my girls are all large EEs. None of the girls felt like being broody last year when I had a large roo for them, so, of course this spring, already one hen is nesting and starting to sit on a nest. My question is- can the little man actually get the job done? Or should I just buy some eggs from someone on this board and swap them out from under her.
We just have the girls as pets with eggs for benefits, and we are down to 6 hens. We'd love to have one of them hatch out chicks. (we don't really want to get into having chicks in the house and then trying to introduce them to the flock if we can avoid it)
We just have the girls as pets with eggs for benefits, and we are down to 6 hens. We'd love to have one of them hatch out chicks. (we don't really want to get into having chicks in the house and then trying to introduce them to the flock if we can avoid it)