Bantam Silkie Roo... or is it?

can you tell if he's a bantam or a standard-size? Or should I try to get a picture of him side by side with the others?
We only have bantam Silkies in the US. I've seen 1 standard sized "Silkie" since I started raising chickens, but it was a cull a breeder was selling at a swap. If your Silkie came from TSC, it will be a bantam. How big of a bantam is another question. Hatcheries breed for quantity, not quality, so you never know exactly what you'll be getting. They will not conform to the standard. Some will be smaller, some bigger, some without feathered legs or crests, more or less toes, ect. I agree that yours appears to be a male. I'm guessing that eventually your other chicks will get bigger than your Silkie, but again, those birds wont necessarily conform to the standard either. They could be under sized and your Silkie bigger than it should be, which would put them on a more even field...for now at least.
For sure that is a roo. I've had 4 of my silkies turn into roos in the last couple of weeks lol

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