bantam vs. standard


8 Years
May 3, 2011
I will be brand new to chickens soon. We are currently finishing up the run (coop is built) and then I will be ordering my chicks. We live smack dab in the middle of the city and I am wondering if it is better to have standards or bantams. I know that with bantams you can have more because they are smaller and don't take up as much room, eat less, are "cuter", etc. I'm just worried about the flying.....and my husband does not want to mess with clipping wings. I am raising chickens mostly for eggs and the fun factor. Can anybody help me out as far a recommendations on which size would be best? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have all bantams and they have never flown out of the yard. Last year I had 10 barred rocks (they came as "warmer chicks" with my bantam chick order)
At 2 mos old they were finding every escape route from the yard and flying over the fence. My cousin also has all standards, and has problems with them flying. My sister has all bantams too, and they stay put.

This isn't to say your bantams would not, but this is my experience with the 2.
if you want them for eggs keep in mind bantams lay teeny tiny eggs and some of the broodier breeds hardly lay

you could consider a smaller standard breed type thats known for good egg laying like a leghorn or a red sex-link
Although bantam eggs are smaller, no doubt, my cochin bantam eggs are really not all that much smaller than a standard egg.

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