Bantam Welsummers. One of each?


10 Years
May 31, 2009
Cobleskill NY
I hatched these bantam Welsummers about 4.5 weeks ago. The combs are almost identical, as is body size. I'm curious about differences in chest feathers and hackle colors.

I would say from the red breast that this is a pullet on the left.

I would say from the black breast that this is a cockerel.

"pullet" on left. "cockerel" on right.

Anyone have experience with these, or other partridge colored birds?
Why yes there are bantam Welsummers! They sadly don't lay dark brown eggs, but they seem to lay quite large eggs for bantams. At least I was impressed with the egg size when they arrived. They do seem larger than the other bantams of the same age. I've not seen them as adults yet.
I think you need 2 more! Where are you in PA?

They're cute little birds, but are very lively. I just hatched some LF Wellies from dark dark eggs, and I think I'm going to keep one of those instead of the bantams. I can't have roosters regardless...
Thanks, I will let you know...I am not expecting many to hatch the box was damaged & a couple of eggs broken..should hatch next Thursday.
Hey Philadelphia,

I'd be interested in taking them off your hands. How old are they? And do they have yellow legs?

Let me know a price and email me off list for working out details.


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