Bantam white leghorn rooster?


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Brooksville, Florida
Purchased him in an assorted bantam straight run cage. I presumed he was a bantam white leghorn for the longest time, but now I'm second judging because he's not solid white...anyway, you be the judge. Thanks in advance! :)

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If he gets any more red on his wings his color is called "Red Pyle". He doesn't really look like a leghorn bantam either, they happen to be small bantams and he's on the larger side but use second opinions to confirm that.
I don't really think that he is a Leghorn Bantam. Leghorn bantams don't get red in the wings like he has. He might be a mix, maybe with some Red Pyle Old English Game (though his type doesn't really fit OEG either).
Doesn't really look like a White Leghorn Bantam, or any type of Leghorn Bantam. White Leghorns do not get red in their wings, and no variety of leghorn has red earlobes (they have white ones). I'd say that your rooster is either a hatchery-quality Red Pyle Old English Game Bantam or a mix of that breed/variety.
Wow well thank you all for such lovely contributions! That's what makes this site so awesome. I guess I was completely wrong and will now need to do more research. Always so exciting in the chicken world! Would anyone care for more photos?

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