Bantams and standard sizes, can you mix em?


9 Years
Sep 5, 2010
Salado Texas
In a small backyard flock is it possible to keep bantams mixed with regular sized hens? There was the cutest little roo running around at the feed store, made me want to cuddle him. lol

I have one EE and one mix hen, I want a Maran and a Dominique to round that off...someday when I find some for the right price. But a lady in my area has white black tailed Japanese Bantams 3 for $25 and BB Reds for 8 a piece.

And what would be the implications?
My bantams and standards get along fine. The bantams aren't even at the bottom of the pecking order.

It's really funny watching a bantam roo try to mount a standard hen - if she doesn't feel like dealing with him, she'll just get up and walk away with him clinging to her back trying to complete his mission. On the other hand, I wouldn't keep a standard roo around bantam hens, he could really hurt them standing on their backs trying to mate.
I'm interested in this too ... Specifically, I would like to know if anyone has successfully kept a few Seramas, or even just a Serama rooster, with standard sized hens. I know he can't possibly breed them, but I'd love to have a tiny little jewel running around trying to be a big man! I've also considered keeping a trio of Seramas, but I would like to be able to let them out into the run or into the garden with my layers.

Thanks so much!
Oh the seramas are so pretty, I may wait untill I see some of those for sale, its all a moot point I'm beyond the end of my spending limit. Maybe build an incubator so I can buy a few eggs off someone next year
Yes, I have. I have Seramas and I often hatch under broodies, so right now I have a Welsummer hen with a group of chicks - at least half are pure Serama and Serama/OEGB mixes. My Serama roo is a jerk (although I hear most of them are sweet, just mine's not). He's only 8" tall, but he will take on ANYTHING, so I don't think you'd have any trouble keeping a Serama roo in with a bunch of standards.

My Welsummer hen and her chicks. The solid black ones are pure Serama, the white splashed ones are Serama/OEGB crosses and there's some standards in there, too.

My Serama roo and a few of his Serama hens:

Here's some Silkie/Serama crosses:

I have loads of bantams and a small number of standard hens. The only thing I have to check for is that the big girls don't hog the treats. They are so much bigger that they just suck up all the goodies before the bantams can get a fair share. So, I scatter the treats around enough that the big chickens can't get everything (they can't be everywhere at once) and the little ones have a chance to get their goodies.

LOL at the comments about bantam roos mounting standard hens. I have a big cochin hen, and my itty bitty black Old English game bantam roo thinks she's his girl. He tries to mount her but ends up riding around on her back. She doesn't even know he's there.
Yes, bantam roos do fine with standard hens. They aren't big enough to acomplish the deed, but they will chase the hen around until she has had enough of him and turns on him and the chase reverses. I have two buff brahma bantam roos with my big flock.
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