Bantams for production?


Jul 23, 2019
Hi there! We are trying to grow our farm...but, also, we e found that eating our younger birds are darn tasted. We don’t want to keep them around for 5-6 mths, like we just did with our NHR cockerels...too much feed. We had meat birds last year..didn’t like them..because, they were, no fun, basically. An old farmer friend likes to give us tons of advice..lots of it we ignore..last night he told us to raise bantams...because they have clutches of 10-12 chicks...will take care of them..if we have a place for them...and we can eat them. Our cons about this idea...we had them for flew one out roof and wouldn’t come down...apparently they are too flighty? He said if we raise them from chicks they won’t do that? Next thing...they are too small to make it worth the work of skinning and cooking. We eat our regular chicken in a day and a half. Last thing...the small people want to buy small eggs? I would guess no? What do YOU all all know this stuff better than any of either of us, so I’d like many opinions before we make any decisions. Thanks for reading :)
For the most part people usually want medium or large eggs. There really aren't recipes that call for bantam eggs so people don't look to use them, unless you're raising your own and (depending on breed) you know that it takes about 3 bantam eggs to equal a standard egg.

What bantam breed do you have? I have a Bantam Cochin that is a big baby and Silkies couldn't be flighty even if they wanted to be, lol.

I haven't eaten any of my chickens so I'm not very helpful but I have a friend that swears Silkies taste the best, they have black meat much like a Ayam Cemani and she said that the roosters are also plump, that's not something I know first hand though.

I do feel like bantam breeds are more for breed enthusiasts than people looking for production personally but I really enjoy them.
I was thinking the same thing as what you are saying when our friend was talking. We don’t have the bantams anymore..we sold them, because we didn’t want the small eggs. But, when I was on here asking how to catch the the bird that went on the roof I got a lot of responses from people who seem to love the type of birds. Then I was researching breeding..and saw, that , many people get much more involved in that than I think I’m looking this point. I don’t think, honestly, we could eat them, either. We’ve only eaten our meat chicken ps and the cockerels. I think our friend meant well, and I was just curious..which is why I made the post. You confirmed what I thought..these guys are more of pets...:). I totally understand.

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