Bantams with Feathered Feet


11 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Fairfield, ME
My daughter is loving the feathered feet - but I want to know if you have any suggestions for a small (bantam) variety that is nice (easy going, kid friendly) and that would get along with standard chickens or rabbits (LOL I might be able to put it in with our rabbit, just add a sleeping area of its own).

I don't know that ANY bantam breed can be said to get along with standards...... it would depend on the standards mostly as to whether or not they would hurt her.

Either way you should think about getting at LEAST 2 so that the little gal doesn't get lonely.

I have a Mille Fleur d'Uccle and a Silkie that are very bonded. The Mille has the most beautiful feathered feet and is so nice
I just slip my hand under her and lift her up and carry her around. She loves treats and being petted. She'll snuggle down on my lap and let me pet her. And they come in quite a few different patterns and colors.

edited to add.... we also hatched a self-blue d'Uccle... and it is SOOOOO tame and sweet!

Here she is... (with Charli)


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that is such a sweet picture! Yes - I was thinking that I could put two bantams in with my bunny if need be. My standards are at the oldest 6 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week - still young to know what they will be like. The 6 weekers have adopted the little ones, so things are good here now.

Well, if you could find some NOW you might just be able to get them to all get along... if they are raised together they might be ok. BUT, if you have a roo.... he could make her miserable trying to mate her
Best way to do it would be buy adult bantams NOW and add in with your youngsters. I've successfully added bantams to adult flocks of standards, but other times have been unsuccessful. If you have them all the same age and raised together would be fine, or else add adult bantams to your young standards.

My personal choice for nice and friendly would be cochins!

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