Bantie's gone broody


10 Years
Oct 7, 2009
Felida WA
2YO bantam Welsummer (our only bantie & our FAV bird) has suddenly gone broody on at least a half-dozen eggs. WTH. In the winter?? She doesn't want to budge. Do I take the eggs or let her see it through? I don't want her to starve, that's my fear, with it being cold. I'm afraid she won't get off them for even long enough to eat... We have a roo now so they're probably fertile but do chicks born in winter ever survive?

I have a bantam cochin setting on 4 eggs right now. Make sure you have food and water nearby and a place the other chickens cannot bother her. She will get up to eat and drink and take a nasty broody poo.
She will keep the babies warm but I also provide mine with a heat lamp too.
nasty broody poo hahaha

Thanks for the advice! I noticed she was outside free-ranging with the others this afternoon. Looks like her broodiness window is about 24 hours right now lol Prob a good thing. Pretty cold and ick right now.

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