Barbu de Watermael Chickens

@Fueron Thank you!! This ties up with the vague and incomplete descriptor when I fell in love with them at a local smallholders (did not realise how rare they are, although they were expensive for chicks), and what they look like, and some similar suggestions I've had from some very helpful people on BYC. I think the descriptive 'quail' has been very confusing for both me as an actual quail breeder, and the search engines, which are throwing up the usual boatload of information, but nearly all reference game quail.
So just to clarify when I reach out to breeders for unrelated bloodlines, what I have are:
Barbu de Watermael White Quail with the Buff variation ?

You can just call the color white quail :)
I have project watermaels in the states. One of them is actually not that bad (standard wise) Crest muffs and 3 point crest.
@CountryFlock Thanks for this. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what makes a good or bad watermael - too busy trying to find out what they are - but I'll happily take "not that bad" from someone who knows what they are talking about! :) They are very interesting and entertaining little hens. And so pretty it's easy to just stare at them even in repose. I'll try and get some more pictures soon, especially when they start laying. Small white eggs I understand, which I'm thinking will be slightly larger than my quail eggs.
Now I just have the little task of reaching out to find new bloodlines before I can start breeding them. I feel some travelling will be involved....
I think the watermael in your photo is a lavender?
It’s not red pyle. Neston poultry in the uk sells them. It’s lacking the dark red patch in red Pyle roos.

they used to display the coloration on their website. “Citron” is what I remember it seems
@CountryFlock I missed a couple of posts somehow. I apologise for not replying earlier. I have never heard of Neston poultry, but will reach out to them at the weekend. Even if they don't have them, there's a chance they will know a breeder who does. It's all very exciting. Thank you.
Thank you to everyone at BYC who posted on my thread - all your comments and suggestions were much appreciated. Finally I know exactly what my gorgeous little flock are so I can begin my search for new bloodlines.
I have also started posting my own contributions to other people's topics where I have a measure of experience. Happy days.
I have a question about the temperament of this breed. I've had my Bantams a little over a year now and have found that some are definitely more aggressive and bossy than others. Because I keep them in a mixed flock and they are just pets, I don't want to get breeds that are going to feel stressed in this type of setting. I live in the city and just can't have lots of separated coops and runs for different breeds! But I LOVE the bantams so much and of course end up wanting all of them! I particularly like these Barbu du Watermaels and and also the Barbu d'anvers. I have two D'Uccles and they are a bit bossy in comparison to my Dutch. My Rosecombs can be bossy but not as bossy as the Sebrights. So just curious on your thoughts! So far I find the Dutch to be the most fearless and least-likely to be stressed. My Dutch are hatchery Dutch.

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