Bareback saddle pad?!


Feb 22, 2016
Okay so I have a bareback saddle pad on my birthday list, becuase I like riding bareback but I'm not very balanced yet. Initially I wanted a pad that had a cinch, a handle, and removable stirrups, so that I could practice with the stirrups until my balance got better and then take them off and practice my balance even more. And a strap in case I need to grab on. But I've been reading about how stirrups are a bad idea becuase 1. How it puts your weight on the horse and 2. It actually takes more balance to use them and they're usually fairly small and if your foot gets stuck you're gonna get dragged. So I was like okay I'll get one with a cinch and handle but no stirrups, but now I'm seeing that handles are bad too! Because if you slip and grab the handle you could pull the whole pad around to the side or belly of the horse, and that can be disastrous, especially if you've got your feet in stirrups.
So clearly what I'll need is a saddle pad with nothing but a cinch.. but then, what purpose does the saddle pad have then? Is it still easier to balance if you have one? Are less likely to slip?
Would I be better off with one like this

Or one that has nothing but a cinch?
Okay so I have a bareback saddle pad on my birthday list, becuase I like riding bareback but I'm not very balanced yet. Initially I wanted a pad that had a cinch, a handle, and removable stirrups, so that I could practice with the stirrups until my balance got better and then take them off and practice my balance even more. And a strap in case I need to grab on. But I've been reading about how stirrups are a bad idea becuase 1. How it puts your weight on the horse and 2. It actually takes more balance to use them and they're usually fairly small and if your foot gets stuck you're gonna get dragged. So I was like okay I'll get one with a cinch and handle but no stirrups, but now I'm seeing that handles are bad too! Because if you slip and grab the handle you could pull the whole pad around to the side or belly of the horse, and that can be disastrous, especially if you've got your feet in stirrups.
So clearly what I'll need is a saddle pad with nothing but a cinch.. but then, what purpose does the saddle pad have then? Is it still easier to balance if you have one? Are less likely to slip?
Would I be better off with one like this

Or one that has nothing but a cinch?
I would go with one without stirrups and without a handle... or get one with a handle and just don't grab it... everyone is correct when they say using the stirrups can get you dragged.... think about how a saddle has a saddle tree it is rigid, it can't slip around under their legs while a bareback pad can because it doesn't have the tree. I got a plain bareback pad with a handle but I will grab mane over the handle if I need. As for the benifits of bareback pads they will keep your pants more clean, help cushin your bum and your horses back so they don't get as sore, keep jean buttons from poking them, and depending on the material it can help you get a better grip with your legs if your horse tends to have slick hair.
I used to have a bareback pad with a handle but no stirrups for my little paint, best investment ever. I used a breast collar with it as I was jump mounting from the ground and it held no trouble at all. My mom liked it because my pants were not covered in horse sweat
Ah okay! So it'll just make things a little easier while I work on my balanance?
Here's the one I have picked out now
Looks good! Looks like it may need a couple D's sewn in for the breast collar but it'll do the job! Yup it does wonders for balance and tone too, and super fast to tack up and get going
Looking forward to the fast tack up! I'm a pretty small and wimpy person so lugging my saddle out of the barn and on to my horse is a production

I have a mare that can be ridden pretty much tackless (she could go tackless if I were better at giving leg cues) so if I can find a neck rope I'm going to do the majority of my riding on her with a bareback pad and a neck rope. I can't wait!
Oh yes! I've been a grump all summer waiting for fall to get here so me and my horses aren't sweating buckets full. I'm sure I'll be on a horse 90% of the week every week until it's hot again

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