Barn Cat in Nest Box

Apr 28, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
Anyone have this issue?
There are plenty of places for this kitty to lay around at that are filled with straw, out of the elements, etc.
However I keep finding her in the laying boxes. She doesn’t bother the hens and somehow hasn’t broken a single egg she lays on top of but I don’t want my new layers deciding not to lay because she is in the box.
It’s honestly not even cold out and she’s fixed so really no idea what she’s thinking as she’s lived on the farm for about 8 months.
I’m pregnant and nesting is she just trying to be like me and the chickens 🤣
She probably finds it comfy and cozy, it sure looks like that to me!
I’ve made straw boxes all over the property so she has more places 🤣
She really likes a circular wicker basket filled with straw. It makes me wonder if she’s cooping up with them at night too 🤣. At least I know there will be no mice in there.
Anyone have this issue?
There are plenty of places for this kitty to lay around at that are filled with straw, out of the elements, etc.
However I keep finding her in the laying boxes. She doesn’t bother the hens and somehow hasn’t broken a single egg she lays on top of but I don’t want my new layers deciding not to lay because she is in the box.
It’s honestly not even cold out and she’s fixed so really no idea what she’s thinking as she’s lived on the farm for about 8 months.
I’m pregnant and nesting is she just trying to be like me and the chickens 🤣
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🤣 My cat does that a lot too, except she also plays on the roosts, but she is completely nice to the chickens. She stays there during the night too, but the chickens just peck at her is she's in their way.. and she gets out while the chickens occupy the nest box.. then when they're done,she gets right back in again :gig

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