Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

We recently bought hatching eggs from 1 of the top breeders in the US, received 13, 1 developed and hatched the others were clear! Have not bought chicks from anyone except Ideal over 1 year ago, they were culls/layers for sure as they appeared to be 1/2 Wellies and 1/2 Barneys at best.

Just my cent and a half on the topic......
I'm happy with my Barnevelders

I was commenting on the hatching egg sellers who are getting top dollar and do not necessarily have quality, or even purebred, birds. I think sellers should be honest, and automatically replace, or at least offer, if eggs are mislabeled.
I did not push the seller for it as I was not her customer; I hatched them for a friend, who was disappointed but didn't complain.
I just hatched chicks from my quad of Barnies and they are so cute I don't have a camera at the moment but will post asap. I would like to get an opinion on my birds if anyone could tell me what they think.


First, in my opinion, birds can't be judged from pictures. Pictures just don't do the bird justice. Colors cannot be distinguished due to poor lighting or shadows. Feathers look distorted or rough due to wind or the condition of the coop floor...It just isn't fair to make a decision or formulate an opinion from a picture...JMO second point....Is your rooster a little too red ?...or is it a camera trick...Maybe his comb isn't exactly perfect?...again a poor camera angle could distort the perfect bird....Is the overall feather condition a little loose?...or is there just a breeze...I really can't see the lacing at all which would be another important fact but needs to be viewed close up with a wing spread...Is the lacing pattern irregular? Or is it just a shadow....
My opinion " they are definitely Barnevelders"...but that is the only fact I could be sure of without holding one of them in my hands...Again JMO
Yes he is (I think ) too red but didn't want to point that out no he is not loose feathered yes it was breezy and I am not a great photographer
Thank You for your thoughts I will put up new photos as soon as I have a camera again. I thought the hens were much better than the roo but bought as a package, I hope I have something to work with at least.
As we say here "a work in progress is our flock"! We love our Barney's and other breeds as well and have a very nice Barney flock put together from several "quality" breeders across the US. It got us a real solid start last year now the fine tuning is ours. By this time next year we hope to be in very good shape with quality of breed and also egg color.... time will tell!

Have a blessed day and weekend!

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