Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Hi, I gave Mr. Weihs the link to this thread. I hope he drops in.

Hi, Royce (Tailfeathers)!
Hi Christi,

Nice to hear from ya. I haven't been on BYC much for awhile but thankfully I got a notification of your post came in my Inbox. You may see Erhard on here from time to time but don't expect to see him a whole lot as he doesn't spend a lot of time on his computer. He's still on dial-up so you can imagine how that is.

I put my Barnies in a breeding pen last week. Haven't gotten an egg since. I think the change from the coop and now the weather has got them all messed up. Go figure! Hopefully will see some eggs soon!

God Bless,
So is this breed easy to sex? I have a friend that can hatch some eggs so I wouldn't mind having her hatch some for me but I can only have pullets. So just trying to figure out the best way to get me a couple of these pretty birds.

How old is the pullet/hen you are holding? The feather pattern almost looks like a juvenile barnevelder. She does seem to have some double lacing, if she's young the lacing may improve when she gets her adult feathers.

Clyde is a very pretty boy. Do you know what lines he comes from? I have a nice young cockerel that looks alot like him. He loves to pose for the camera. I haven't figured out a name yet.


Hi Shannon,
Barnevelders can be sexed a few ways. At hatch it is kind of hard, but with some lines the chicks with dark breast down are usually girls and light/white breast down are boys. This is far from 100% accurate.

Also, girl chicks get their wing and tail feathers faster and longer than boys by a few week sof age. Boys usually have stubby tails and bare shoulders for a while. Later by about 5 weeks you should be able to tell by comb color/size and the boys will get darker, glossier feathers on their backs and saddle areas.

Hope this helps.
Yep, it's possible - because Welsummers were used in the creation of Barnevelders.

God Bless,

Not true, it is the other way around.

The Barnevelder was used to improve the Welsumer. It was the Barnevelder who finally helped the Welsumer become a convincingly good layer of dark eggs combined with good uniform color and type.
How old is the pullet/hen you are holding? The feather pattern almost looks like a juvenile barnevelder. She does seem to have some double lacing, if she's young the lacing may improve when she gets her adult feathers.


Oh she is pure! I'll have to get some better pics. I can't believe the shine on her, it's stunning. I can't wait to see her and the boys all grown up
The birds they come from are gorgeous.

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