Barney back out with his girls! Fence problem solved ( we hope)

Barney is staying quiet and still. I had to encourage him to eat and drink, and he really wasn't interested in either. But he seems to be alert for the most part. His tail is droopy,but I am not sure if it is from not feeling well or if it is from the mud and the bath

When I came home from work, I tried cleaning his comb. I'm not having a lot of luck. His comb is really bumpy, and there is a thick layer of cornstarch on it. I do think I got a big hunk of dried blood out of his nares though( Not sure- still cant really see them)


Hardy sure made me mad- attacking Barney like that. I don't care if Barney was challenging him- Hardy did not need to beat the little guy up like that.

and PS: these pictures are the better side- the other side is worse
I hate to tell you this, but I bet Barney started it, Bantam Roosters are like small dogs, they think they are 10 feet tall and bullet proof

I had a Bantam Cochin Rooster, he was an only chick and rotten, his name was Uno, that boy would take on anything and everything!
Maybe he would be more comfortable back outside in the pen with some hens. Could you put a solid divider between the two pens of roosters?

I brought my beat up rooster inside but he was depressed. As soon as I put him back out he gained his self confidence back and was happy. Healed quickly Just make sure the boys are completely touching.
I am sure he misses his girls. Tomorrow morning, first thing, I am going to put a tarp over the fence. It's way too muddy to do much of anything else. I will let Barney out with his girls once he can no longer see Hardy. I do believe Barney started it. I have seen him get into the tough pose with Hardy once before, but Hardy pretty much laughed at Barney and walked away.
I know I will have to watch them all closely- the girls might want to peck at Barney's head. Maybe I'll make him a little hat.
Well, we woke to Barney crowing this morning. It was a good sign. He was alert and doing well. He didn't eat a lt, but he did drink, and he did one of those wonderful morning poops. peeeeyew!
He sems to be breathing fine. The only thing I am noticing is he has this squeak at the end of his crow- almost sounds wheezy. I truly believe he inhaled a bit of blood , so maybe that is what we are hearing?
I covered the fence with some heavy plastic sheeting until tomorrow when we will build a better barrier. I wanted to let Barney out with the girls while I was able to ensure they don't peck at his comb. He was very happy! He danced around each girl, even the one who was up on the roost trying to nap ( and that was quite humorous to see him dancing on a 2x4). I threw them some corn, and he called the girls over, and they all came running.
I will continue to kep an eye on him, and make sure his girls don't try to bite at his head. As for the rattling when he crows, I guess if he did inhale some blood, there is nothing I can do to remedy that.
I doubt the girls will peck. Just keep an ear on breathing for the next several days by picking him up while roosting.

Sounds like he's healing without many complications.

The barrier will stop the rooster fights from now on. Since he's got some girls on his side, he'll probably feel like "THE KING OF THE WORLD".

You're doing a great job!
I took a video of Barney back with the girls. He was soooo happy. The girls, on the other hand, couldn't much care less LOL
Barney is back in the house.. I dont think he got into another fight ( the plastic I put up as a temporary barrier had blown down sometime today) , but I just knew I woud find him bleeding again. And I did. His comb was bleeding, not too heavily, but the feathers on the front of his neck are all red again. So,back into the house he came- into the sink, another bubblebath. The good news is I got his comb cleaned off pretty well. His chest was pretty darn muddy too- so I am not sure if he tried to fight again, or just made a fool of himsef. He seems fine, except he is definately breathing through his mouth. Every so often he will open his beak and take a funny sounding breath.
I found his nares- I don't know if the comb split some down the center, or if it is swollen, or both, but the comb is definately covering the nares. Not sure what to do about that. Or maybe it was always that way and I never noticed.
After my rooster fought with the other rooster, his comb swelled terribly. It actually doubled in size. The swelling went down the next day.
Sounds like after your barrier blew down, the roosters got into it again. You'll have to reinforce that barrier to avoid fights in the future.

Let us know how barney is doing. He sure is determined to kick that other roosters' butt isn't he!!

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