First let me say I processed the barred cochin cockerel I am asking about(to those that may be offended)yesterday and am regretting it now. I bought 6 barred rock pullets appx. 4 months ago (would NOT recommend this seller in Johnstown OH-besides the point but...)and 4 turned out to be cockerels(don't have current pic-sorry-believe from research 1 was actually a barred cochin)so I preocessed 3 yesterday(saved 1 BR cockerel for roo stuff with my BR pullets)and one I processed was said Barred Cockin cockerel and was 9 lbs. I have no real knowledge of them and it appears now they're harder to find and he may have been cool to raise further but....MY QUESTION!!!!!!! Are barred cochin not common ?and I WILL say he had gorgeous beautiful meat on him for a 6 month old cockerel.