barred/cuckoo araucana? PIC ADDED PG 6

Glad to hear it Adam. Good luck with them! I had trouble candling them until a couple weeks went by and they started looking dark. The shells are pretty thick but the chicks hatch like popcorn.
onthespot~ This is off topic, but just wanted to say I looked at your webpage, and your marans eggs are so pretty.
thank you. If you want some I may trade you for some very blue whatever you got (especially black/lavender, LOL) when she starts laying, or in the spring if you want.
If you read somewhere on the Ameraucana website where it talks about the recognized colors, and what is an easter egger, it does say that if it breeds true 50% of the time it's an Ameraucana. So I don't know if lavender is an easter egger, or an Ameraucana. Where is Jean?

I don't think the folks on the Ameraucana board are any more "snooty" than any other breeders.


The lavender is not an accepted color, but it does breed true. It was bred to meet all of the other standards set forth by the club. The color is not something that just popped out by willy nilly breeding, so it is an ameraucana. That is what the AOV (any other variety) category is for. We are hoping to get the lavender and the splash varieties accepted to the APA Standard in the next five years.
I don't think you can't post about Ameraucanas, EE, or Araucana. I do all the time. Why would your lavenders be ridiculed. I have some of John's lavenders as well, and I don't think anyone says anything bad about them.
pips&peeps :

The lavender is not an accepted color, but it does breed true. It was bred to meet all of the other standards set forth by the club. The color is not something that just popped out by willy nilly breeding, so it is an ameraucana. That is what the AOV (any other variety) category is for. We are hoping to get the lavender and the splash varieties accepted to the APA Standard in the next five years.

Perfect, that's the understanding I had. Thanks!​

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