Barred Mix - Gender (and mother's breed?)


5 Years
Jun 7, 2015
Hi all,

Not sure if you can help me yet, but I am hoping to try and determine the cross breed in the chicks I just hatched last week (as well as sex if possible?). I know that the rooster was a barred rooster (I want to say barred rock, but he has feathers down the side of his legs, which passed along to the baby chicks). The mother I am unsure about - I think it was a Buff Orpington, but could be any one of the 30 chickens we own (we have just about all of the standard egg layer varieties including: New Hampshire reds, columbian, rhode island red, red-sex link etc.) PS: ignore the bantam hen in the pictures, she was just the brooding hen.

They are yellow with just a few brown/black spots on their backs and the feathers on the sides of their legs.

Here are the two babies on day 1

and day 3

I will post new pictures tomorrow of them at one week old as well as a picture of the rooster.

If your rooster has feathered legs, he's probably a mix or a Cuckoo Marans.

Do you have any white leghorns or otherwise white birds? This looks a lot like paint chick down, which can be the result of one copy of the dominant white gene.
Thanks for the comments so far! I was mainly just getting worried after reading stuff about colour sexing breeds that I may have ended up with both males...

here are some more of the chicks (Not sure if you can tell, but one has been slightly taller than the other sincr birth just about. Not sure ifthis means its a male, or just a different mom)



And some of the roo

These are some of the potential moms

Woo! That's not a Barred Rock, he's a straight up mixed breed. I'd say with bantam in him as well. Possibly a Cochin cross.

It's doubtful they're any kind of sex link, the father of the chicks is Barred, which means they cannot be black sex links and the Barring would most likely have interference making red sex links not particularly sexable.
Woo! That's not a Barred Rock, he's a straight up mixed breed. I'd say with bantam in him as well. Possibly a Cochin cross.

It's doubtful they're any kind of sex link, the father of the chicks is Barred, which means they cannot be black sex links and the Barring would most likely have interference making red sex links not particularly sexable.
Sweet thanks everyone!

Hopefully once they get older they are beautiful hens :)

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