Barred Rock chicken acting very strange


5 Years
Jan 28, 2016
My Tosca ( 4 year old Barred Rock) seems listless and falls over as if she's drunk. She can walk but when you approach, she has no balance and tips over. At first we thought she was blind perhaps in one eye. She is still eating.

Anybody have ideas about what's going on?
Could be many things It may help to give her vitamins. Such as PolyC without iron or can buy Boost vitamin for poultry at TSC. Could be egg bound or vitamin deficiency or botulism Or many other diseases that have similar symptoms. Sorry, I know how frustrating the not knowing is. I had the same happen and still no clue what was the cause. I hope she gets better.
My rooster is sick has runny poop still eats but seems like hard to swallow he losing weight no worms I think he is 7yrs old. Got him warm trying to get some vitamins now what else can I do
My Tosca ( 4 year old Barred Rock) seems listless and falls over as if she's drunk. She can walk but when you approach, she has no balance and tips over. At first we thought she was blind perhaps in one eye. She is still eating.

Anybody have ideas about what's going on?
She could be dehydrated or being kept from food and water, but she also may be showing signs of illness. Before we talk about scary subjects as Mareks disease or others, check her crop, and feel if it is empty, full, hard, or puffy. This is best done early in the morning before she has eaten or drunk water. Feel if she has lost weight in her breast area, or if she is fuller in her lower belly. Does she lay eggs? What does her poop look like? Do her eyes look normal in color with round black pupils? Pictures are welcome. If you can give her some drops of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell, that would be good. I would be tempted to bring her in to observe her more closely. Reproductive disorders can be common in hens over 2 years, and crop disorders are another common problem.
My rooster is sick has runny poop still eats but seems like hard to swallow he losing weight no worms I think he is 7yrs old. Got him warm trying to get some vitamins now what else can I do
You might look inside his beak and throat with a flashlight while someone holds his head still. Look for yellow or white patches.
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