Barred rock hen raspy breathing?


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2021
I have a 5 year old barred rock hen (named Aggressive chicken) who has been breathing really loudly for the past month or so. It hasn't spread, gotten worse, or caused any more problems. Its like a crackly wheeze? Her voice has changed pitch and is much squeakier then before, I also noticed she sneezes fairly often. She eats and drinks well, doesn't seem to have lost any weight, the back of her throat and inside her mouth are all clear, she's not lethargic or droopy. I tried Tylan and it didn't really do anything, so I've been giving her little organic things here and there to try and help her out. Does anyone have any ideas what this may be? I filmed it and have posted it for a better idea. The video also catches the sneezes I mentioned before.

The video is pretty quiet, so id turn your volume up. Any ideas are appreciated !

In the video you will be able to see her face, she has a growth that has been there her ENTIRE life. it has never caused any problems and is NOT facial swelling.

I don't know if this will be helpful but I had two chickens with similar though not identical problems. The difference was that they had a lot of yellowy mucous around their nostrils. When I got them I didn't notice the mucous, just the raspiness, and figured it was because the run they were kept in was solid dust. No shade. No vegetation. Just dust. It was awful. I let my heart get the better of my head and rescued them despite the bad feeling I had in the pit of my stomach when I heard the rasping.
I put VetRx in their water and under their wings every night while they were in quarantine and gave them electrolytes in their water. They are now perfectly healthy and living happy lives. I don't know if their issues were actually just from the dust or if they were sick but I do know that the VetRx helped. Within a week of using it their mucous was gone and they were more active.
Someone else might have advice specific to your situation but the VetRx might help. I got it at the local feed store and it contains oregano oil if I remember right and a couple other herbal things.
5 year old barred rock hen (named Aggressive chicken) who has been breathing really loudly for the past month or so. It hasn't spread, gotten worse, or caused any more problems.
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Does she still lay eggs?

I would make sure her crop is emptying overnight, feel her abdomen below the vent between her legs for bloat or fluid. Not sure what's going on there. The sound reminds me a little of stridor, but that usually resolves over the course of a day or two.

Have you de-wormed her?
There isn't really enough information. Normally it would be quick to say it's something that an antibiotic would help, but a five year old hen and none of your other chickens have any symptoms? Has this hen ever been sick like this before? Any cold or damp rainy weather that brings on more symptoms?

Either way, you should try grabbing her at night and giving her a syringe full of warm tea in her beak, i give boldo, but you can try anything like garlic tea, lemon tea, etc. There is maybe a respiratory issue. A nebulizer or steam treatment can help.

You could treat with anticocci medicine, or anti coryza medicine for a step beyond tylosin, and combine with the tyloson again. But without any visible mucous, it sounds respiratory. Are you in a dry climate by chance?

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