Barred Rock started laying last week- small eggs

my barred rocked started laying over the weekend. I got 6 eggs on Monday. 100% production. 3 RIR, 3 BARRED ROCKS.
Tues had 4 eggs
Weds and Thurs had 5 eggs.
I think my last layer, a barred rock with a crossbeak might have issues. I have let them forage since Mon. She may have trouble picking up food. Not getting needed nutrients for egg production. Leaving them in for coupke days to see if it helps.
Ok, thanks.
Yes my barred rock is 18 weeks. I found little bitty pinkish eggs two days in a row ( I egg a day) then the past two days…. Nothing. I’ve read rocks do take a bit for eggs to gradually get larger. Jump starting their laying faculties. Lol. My other two 18 week olds are cinnamon queens. Still waiting on their eggs to begin. I’m like a kid going to open my toy box when I go out to the coop. My Pekin duck I just adopted started laying one a day a week ago steadily and the eggs are huge. She’s (Lola) thought to be about a year old though and probably had stopped laying for a while from stress. 2 khaki Campbell females 18 weeks old round out my flock. Still waiting on their eggs too. I can’t wait.


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My Barred Rock hen started laying last week (she is 20 weeks old), and has given us about 4 or 5 eggs so far. They are pretty small- and a light cream color, kinda almost like pink
We thougt it was from our Bantam Silkie, until we saw the BR actually laying. I thought she should be giving us larger eggs. Our Black Star started laying about 3 days before her, and even her first egg was bigger than the Barred Rock's last egg. The Black Star is giving us some nice dark brown eggs.

Anyone else with small barred Rock eggs? Any comments? This is our first experience with eggs.
Always have barred rocks- this brood have been laying small eggs for Over 2 months now??
I too have 6 Bard Rock hens who started laying about 2-3 months ago. Their eggs remain quite small. I have raised Bard Rocks for the past 9 years and this is the first time the eggs have remained small for this length of time. The only difference in this group is the time of year in which I raised them. This batch started laying late October early November. Generally, the hens would lay small (fairy) eggs initially for about a week or two, but this group are continuing to lay small eggs. Yes they are getting slightly larger but by no means are they the jumbo eggs that the Bard Rocks are well known for laying. Considering I live in Zone 3-6 this may be effecting their size. Shorter days of light? However, I'm grateful for hens and the eggs just the same!

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