Basket Show August 2, 2009 Fair Grounds Farmington Maine

Poultry Run Farm

10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
This is the inforamtion I just got. Hope this is helpful. I know we will be there for sure

Save the Date!
Northern New England Bird Fanciers

Presents the Annual
To be held at the Farmington Fair – Gates open at 8:00 AM
On August 2, 2009 at 10 AM
Registration for Birds @ 9:30 AM – Judging @ 11:00 AM
Come One – Come all to a fun filled event

This is your opportunity to Swap, Sell or Trade
some of your fine feathered friends plus, other bird related items.

We will have a chef on board to cook something on the grill for Breakfast & Lunch
Donations for the food are encouraged.

There will be a fine gentleman ready and willing to test your birds.
Also, we will have a huge array of unusual items to Auction off.
(All bids are in $1 increments)

Rules for entering your birds into the Basket Show:
Each exhibitor is limited to 5 birds per breed
Only 5 breeds per person
And a maximum of 25 birds per person

Entry fee is $1.00 per bird

Prize/Award will be $100 for Champion Bird & $50 for Reserve Champion
$50 for Junior Champion & $25 for Junior Reserve Champion

This event will take place whether it rains or shines

For more information,
Please contact Kathie Shaw @ 320-1969 [email protected]
Or Jerry Phillips @ 639-3647 [email protected]
Or Daryl Whiting @ 926-3712 [email protected]
Wish I could enter Scooter, I think he would be ham enough to enjoy it.
Only thing is that most people that show birds seem to keep them caged up and off dirt, no sun.
I would never have known sun was an issue until one year a couple of us had dull birds...sunshine.
Hopefully I'll have young birds, Rau line. Right now I have 5, in hopes to have a few more by then to share.
He is handsome and loveable, but up against the Book of Standards, there are a lot of "demerrits" (? term). He is a daddy now, we have 6or 7 babies at this point. The hen is one of the lines that Karl Rau produced, Scooter does have Karl Rau line in him, yet was from a different breeder.
The babies have super tail form and I can't wait to see what they grow into! Lucy, blue mottled and Scooter black mottled (someone mentioned birchen) and they throw some potential handsome chicks!
Ah, wishful thinking, I may enter him just for smiles, its a buck, not like I'm losing a lot of money.

There will be exhibits/demonstrations by 4-H'ers on Sunday and its free to the public!
Even if you do not want to join in on the poultry club, please come out to watch the kids do their things, its great community service- support the 4-H clubs!
Remember, we are talking August 2nd ....

It is a fun show...less about showing and more about meeting, greeting, getting birds tested for the upcoming fairs and a good way to find out what the Northern New England Club members are all about.

True that Joanie, its great to put faces with names and as long as no one brings a redneck special again...then I won't get laughed at! Ha ha, its great. Also, if you have something chicken related..well, I don't think it has to be strictly chicken related, as I bought things that had nothing to do with chickens..thermos and cup...and some how, I got the gun rack and past hunting manuals and laws. (like I needed the hunting stuff- but it gave them all a great laugh!)
Its great to meet and learn...

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