Bathing Chickens

No, they are not show birds but one has matted poop on her butt so it needs to be removed to see if there is anything else going on.
In the summertime, I use the garden hose with attached spray nozzle to spray their rear end. Works great. Release them and they'll dry off on their own. Or you can pat dry using an old towel and release them.
I was actually curious about this for my turkey poults. For some reason they poop all over each other or roll in it or something! It’s awful! I’m working on a bigger brooder but I’m using sensitive baby wipes for now. Didn’t even think about Dawn!
Chickens tend to enjoy their spa day. If they're a bit flighty at first, they quickly settle down.

I use 3 small - medium totes, and fill with warm water (not too warm) that the bird can sit down, and the water is half way up the bird, but doesn't go over it's back. Add a bit of Dawn. Blue is best. Make it like you would for washing dishes. In the second tote, add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water. The third is to be plain water. Now set your bird in the tote, keeping your hand on it's back. In a minute, it will settle down. Most of mine will lay down in the water on their own, but I have a couple that after they settle down, I give a gentle push on their back, then they lay down. Let it soak in the soapy water for about 10 minutes, then begin rubbing the feathers in the soiled areas. Clean everywhere, but the head, and be careful NOT to get soap into it's eyes. When it's clean, lift the bird, and transfer it to the second tote, with the vinegar water. Rinse all over, except the head, with the vinegar water. You can use a plastic cup to help. Now, move it into the plain rinse water. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. Wrap in a towel.

Now that it's calm, and wrapped in a towel, get a washrag, and plain warm water, to clean it's head, and face area. Be gentle. Now, move to the feet. This is a great time to trim spurs, and toenails.

Make sure they're dry before putting them back out. Careful, if you use a blow dryer, so as not to overheat the bird.
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You gotta be careful with the scissors. Dont trim back too much. If you do, urates in feces will scald the skin causing redness and irritation. The fluff and feathers actually help prevent scald.
Well she is missing quite a few feathers on her butt from being 💩
What kind of soap do I use to bathe my chickens?
I believe it's wise to bath them, my method is a tiny bit of organic castile liquid soap and a little cider vinegar, then I try to catch them when they've dried off too dust them with benonite clay, under their wings and around the neither region's finally finishing off by oiling their legs feet. 😴 not always easy :)

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