bathing chicks

I bet it's the brooder thats smelly (doesn't take much), not so much the chicks !!

lol i bathe mine sheesh.
they're spoiled. all i do is with a WARM damp paper towel isoftly wipe them all over. and for their feet with WARM water in a small bowl put soke feet in that for a min and scrub GENTLY with a toothbrush aftar. that's all but don't do that when u have a lot of chicks u can get tired and not b gentle!
hope that helped,
I just brought home a chick that has a prolapsed vent and a bald butt and was very dirty. I couldn't send him back. So I just put his bum in some warm water and washed him off with warm water. I have him in a warm washcloth wrapped (like a nest) he is sleeping. I am hoping this is sufficient to dry him. He is in my lap. (I say he IDK could be a she) Does anyone know of anything else I could do to her him/her?
I try and bathe my my silkies maybe twice a week, the less fluffy girls maybe once a week or longer (just for their feet)

I just wash their feet and bottoms because silkies get poop everywhere!

I clean their houses everyday too.
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