Battery Hens

Chickenman, here's an Ohio link that might help. There's a phone number, and a contact link you can click, They may be able to tell you where egg producers are in your area, and the names of the companies, if they can't just give you contact info.

Have you already checked Craigslist?
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My son rescued some battery hens here in the UK, here there are small places all over that take them in when the farms are getting rid of them, and they do their best to get them back in shape and then they will find homes for them.

Matthew had 4, and he lives on the side of the mountain in the Valleys here in South Wales.

He had eggs every day, and a great little clutch of very sweet chickens, they soon looked amazing, and they were fantastic fun scratching around in the garden and up onto the hill.

He had them for about 3 years and then they gradually failed, but the Vet said it was all down to the way they had spent their early life. At least they had gained an extra 3 years.

Makes you really question the lengths they will go to for cheap eggs and consumerism. Shouldn't all chickens have the right to live their lives the way ours do? Free and protected to the best of our ability, and giving us a gift of food daily.

Thanks for the links. I do check very often. I just got 5 free hens. Well it turns out that two or three are roosters. I got a metal 10 hole nest box from the same guy. The floors of each nest were rotting away from ammonia so we cut little slats of wood to put in each. I have the nests hanging in the coop now. I checked the price of new metal 10 hole nests and they are like $300.00.

10 nests work good for my 15 chickens. Lol.

I checked a while back and there is a place called Hertzfeld Poultry farms around the corner from me. I called them and they say they dont have any chickens at all. I bought a few bales of straw form them the other day. I thought I might have heard a few hens. Not not really. I saw a big barn where they could have been though.

Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!

How weird to have a business called a poultry farm, and not have any chickens. Unless they raise turkeys or something. There's a local business a few miles from us, called a "hatchery", but the man doesn't actually hatch anything at all. He gets chicks, ducklings, geese, keets, etc. every spring, (I don't know who his suppliers are) but that's all. I bought chicks and turkey poults from him a couple of times, but had such a high mortality rate with his birds, (Every single one of the poults died off, one by one. Poults from MMH did fine.) I don't buy his anymore.

Great score on those nest boxes, every pre-made nest box I've seen has been pricey. We made ours, but I'm gonna re-do them, I don't much like the ones we have. Hard to clean.
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