Battery Hens

Edster, why did they not have any feathers in the first picture? Was this a poorly run battery house or do most chickens in battery houses look that bad?

I've thought that the industry used white leghorn type chickens.

You've done an amazing job with these birds!
The rescuer's location is New Zeland

We're not all in the US, and many other countries have more lax rules on what "spent" hens are used for and sent to. White Leghorn is the US standard for battery birds.
Okay. I am new to the forum so I didn't realize the different countries represented here. Isn't the internet amazing!
they live in cages, the size of a cat carrying cage, 2-3 birds to a cage. most battery hens look like this. they get frustrated and peck at each other. thier heads have feathers because they can stick them out the cages so thier combs and eyes are not pecked. the food and warwe is also outside the cages. the cages and pecking strips the birds of feathers.

just giving them normal layaer mash/pellets and free range gets them nice and healthy again. In NZ we (they) use shavers or hycines (sp).
I have been saving cartons in hopes that my Brahmas will eventually grace me with an egg.LOL Anyway I went and looked address are Missouri, Central Alabama, and Texas!! I'm suprised they're not dust by the time they get here! Guess I'll have to keep looking. A guy down the road works for some sort of hatchery around here and I asked him but he says they never sell their spents only send them to their own facility to be butchered. Any other ideas?Oh by the way I'm new here, but like always just running over with questions and jumped in head first. Sorry:D

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