Bay Area BYCers!

Hi, everyone.

In just moved from Los Gatos to an 8-acre farm "over the hill" in Corralitos. In just built my coop/run and will be adding to the flock shortly.

I am growing produce for a couple Los Gatos restaurants, and I'm thrilled to see some neighbors here.
Hi! I’m in Los Gatos (95033) and have ridden my bike with friends to Corralitos. When the kids are done with school, I may want to move your direction! So great you’re growing producefor some of the restaurants!

Small world! I am a cyclist, too. Though with the farm getting in gear, I've been neglectful.

I was sad to leave the Los Gatos hills. I was on Overlook. But now that I'm in Corralitos, I am so happy I did.


I'm on my phone. So please excuse my clumsy fingers and typos.
Haha! We are recreational cyclists. Not to serious... I don’t even have clip in pedals and shoes! (but the rest of the group does). I haven’t ridden in months, but usually in September we drop off vehicles, ride down to Sarah’s Vineyard for a picnic and wine tasting, and drive home. It makes for a lovely day. Maybe you could join us sometime!

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