Bay Area BYCers!

My oldest bunch of babies, they're not much to look at right now, but they're growing!

Bantam Buffs... not concerned with taking photos at all.

They're still kinda unsure about the green stuff.

Light colored chick in the foreground is a Mauve bantam Orp (Choc + Blue), hoping for a boy.

Chocolate bantam Orp, cockerel?

& slightly off topic, but do any plant people out there know what this is? It's big, about 6 feet tall. The flowers look like daisies, and smell like almond/honey. I propagated it via a cutting, it rooted pretty easily. It's stem is like a soft wood.

Look at those crazy seed pods!

The leaves get really big, larger than my hand.

It sorta reminds me of a tree dahlia? But I don't think so?

If anyone from Northern California, particularly the Bay Area, is going to the show in Fresno and would be willing to transport 3 fluffy hitchhikers, please let me know! I have 3 bantam cochins that need a ride to their new caretakers down south. Happy to chip in for gas money! Thanks
Does anyone have a young rooster they are looking to part with? Our yoing rooster suddenly passed away last night and we have 8 hens who will be missing the male attention very soon.
Let me know please.
Does anyone have a young rooster they are looking to part with? Our yoing rooster suddenly passed away last night and we have 8 hens who will be missing the male attention very soon.
Let me know please.

I have a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington cockerel who is 4 months old. He is not crowing or trying to mate the hens yet but it probably won't be much longer. Would love for him to find a home.
@KMilani @Poop Cleaner I've got bantam Orpington, & bantam Easter Egger cockerels (as well as a few pullets) looking for homes in the next 1-2 months. They're just now becoming discernible by sex, so I'll hold back some breeders & offer the rest to those who are interested. :)
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