Baytril or Cipro?

This is in humans, but I'm assuming it would act as a thiamine blocker across the board.
Interesting. Will have to put this on my "more research" list.
There are a few references to disrupting the vitamin B in the gut. I only go from my own treatment experiences. She may consider a yeast infection, but it is obvious her hen is suffering anemia and that corresponds with why the vet prescribed her the supplements. It is a mistake to order it 10 days in my opinion. Hope the nutrients regen her.
Well, I think the metacam is working at least. I caught her holding her holding her left eye open for a minute.
2.7 pounds = 1227 grams
2.3 pounds = 1045 grams
182 lost is 14.8%

She needs no less than 5% of her body weight in fluids per day (53 ml)
If she were mine I would try to get at least twice that in her.
Sorry for all the off sulfa posts, it was sort of off topic. Just wondering how is the eye now? Are you still going to give enrofloxacin?
It's ok. As long as I get my questions answered youcan talk about whatever else you want, lol. Thanks for the apology.

Well, this is the eye after the first vet visit, and the pics I just posted were taken 1 minute ago. In this old picture you can see how far it was sticking out. It was literally like she had a big green pea under the skin. I have ones that show that side of her face, but you can't see how far out it is. And this is after having it scooped out.
2.7 pounds = 1227 grams
2.3 pounds = 1045 grams
182 lost is 14.8%

She needs no less than 5% of her body weight in fluids per day (53 ml)
If she were mine I would try to get at least twice that in her.
Ok, so shoot for 106 mL of water per day.
And how about food? I'm using the Kaytee exact baby parrot food. In dry cups, how much of that would you give?

Also, that food says it has probiotics in it, but should I keep using the probiotics my vet gave me too?

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