BBS Faverolles and Garden


12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
Today I took some pictures of my garden and my flock of Blue, Black, and Splash Faverolles free ranging as well as a few pictures of my Salmon Faverolles flock.




And here are the BBS birds






My black fav roo chasing my basset olive who is terrified of all black chickens after being flogged by my old black ameraucana rooster.

Some of the salmon ladies




What do you guys think hope I didn't bore you with all of the pictures.

Beautiful chickies. I just put some salmons under a broody hen. These are my first ones to have. Great pics thanks for sharing. Love the blueberries.
I am getting the salmons a boyfriend on the 2nd of July. I am hatching some BBS babies now! The blue pair belongs to Keesmom and I am taking them up to Massachusetts so I will have the black pair and the splashes. I love the splash pullet that I got a picture of her head is amazing. I just realized how French my backyard is Faverolles and Basset hounds I may as well feed them my extra Crepes ha ha. I love France and I guess I love the animals food of the country as well.
Thanks you will fall in love with faverolles as soon as yours hatch everyone always does
Good luck hope you get a good hatch! I plan on making blueberry pie or tarts tomorrow.
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Yep I will make lots of stuff tomorrow. We also have raspberries in black, red, and yellow they are so good. I am Faverolles obsessed I am not sure any other breed can live up to my standards now.
Thanks you will fall in love with faverolles as soon as yours hatch everyone always does
Good luck hope you get a good hatch! I plan on making blueberry pie or tarts tomorrow.

I have some faverolles eggs on the way, may come tomorrow, I'm so excited! Your birds are beautiful! I hope I have a good hatch. I love the Salmon color.
Your place is beautiful. I wish I lived out in a big area like that! Your doggy is a cutie..I used to rescue and foster. I miss it, but right now have my hands full with a very large Golden Retriever pup..1 year old.
Thanks you will fall in love with faverolles as soon as yours hatch everyone always does
Good luck hope you get a good hatch! I plan on making blueberry pie or tarts tomorrow.

I have some faverolles eggs on the way, may come tomorrow, I'm so excited! Your birds are beautiful! I hope I have a good hatch. I love the Salmon color.
Your place is beautiful. I wish I lived out in a big area like that! Your doggy is a cutie..I used to rescue and foster. I miss it, but right now have my hands full with a very large Golden Retriever pup..1 year old.

Thanks so much for the compliments. I only have an acre and a half though I try to make the most of it with a large garden and as many Faverolles as my parents and neighbors will let me have. Who did you get Faverolles eggs from? The basset it about one and a half and is in the throws of a horribly destructive phase ha ha the black rooster is the only thing that keeps her in check she loves to eat chicken poop.
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lol..doggys love chicken poo...
I just looked at your sight....your salmons Are beautiful. Do you ever sell the eggs?
I live in Utah, you are far away. My eggs are coming from Texas. How far have you shipped, if you shipped eggs? And if so, how has the hatch been for the folks that bought them? Am I nosey or what?
I want some of these so bad. I just hope I have a good hatch, if not..I will try again. I'm determined to have some!
I have shipped eggs as far as California and had people have Ok hatches. Its not nosey those question make perfect sense to ask. I do occasionally sell eggs but right now I am waiting to get a new cockerel he will be here on the 4th of July so no fertile eggs till then unless they are mixed salmon and black or pure blacks which I am keeping.


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