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Another chick just died
On no!

Do you have room to divide them into two groups w/2 seperate lights? I'm telling you, if they are squished, they are piling up.
My opinion, but what a drag for you! I remember when my Mom would get her 500 baby chicks every year. We had to do all kinds of stuff - count them into 50's - red bulbs to prevent pecking - a chick mat under them, just in case it got cool at night.

Even bators drop temps at night. Ditto brooders. They must be chilled a bit.
On no!

Do you have room to divide them into two groups w/2 seperate lights? I'm telling you, if they are squished, they are piling up.
My opinion, but what a drag for you! I remember when my Mom would get her 500 baby chicks every year. We had to do all kinds of stuff - count them into 50's - red bulbs to prevent pecking - a chick mat under them, just in case it got cool at night.

Even bators drop temps at night. Ditto brooders. They must be chilled a bit.

we fixed them up a bit and it seems to be working! nobody died last night! ( thats a first)
You don't know how to make the eggpressions beigger? After you make one
---like this one just go back and click on it. When it gets surronded by a little box of dots, put your pointer on an edge, and drag it out bigger. Practice makes perfect.


Cochin showed me!

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