Beach sand for dust bath?

princess araucana

11 Years
Nov 18, 2008
Rhode Island
I want to make an indoor dust bath for my girls. No one is selling the play sand you can buy at hardware stores (not in season).

Is beach sand OK to use? I collected it far away from the water or high tide line thinking it would be less salty.

Any reason why it would be bad?

I plan on mixing it with DE.

Don' t use the play sand, get "all purpose" sand, the kind used in construction. Home Depot and Lowe's and the like carry it year-round. It's also cheaper than play sand.

Plus, it has little pebbles in it which the chickens can use for grit purposes.
the beach sand would work fine. I live 1 1/2 miles from the coast and most of my yard is sugar sand (hence the farm name) I use it in my runs and coops The chickens love to dust bathe in it. I even use it in my brooders after a few weks and as soon as I change the bedding into sand they all dust bathe.
Home depot has 'tube sand' (it's regular sand in a tube shaped burlap type bag) I just bought some. It was $3.47 for 60 lbs. It was by the contractors entrance.

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